Vital Essentials Freeze Dried Grain Free Duck Mini Nibs Entree for Dogs Food
Your pup wonƒ??t duck out on our freeze-dried, grain free dog food! Vital Essentials freeze-dried Duck Mini Nibs are made from 100% free run Duck meat, organs and bones. The ultimate limited ingredient diet, convenient for serving at home or on the go.?ÿ This complete and balanced meal does not require refrigeration ƒ?? no need to add water or broth. Our one pound resealable package is convenient and easy to serve as treats, dog food or mix in with kibble for a real meat protein boost.
WHY FEED FREEZE DRIED DOG FOOD? Easy – simply natural nutrition, as close to what your dog would hunt for and eat in nature. Freeze-drying retains nutritional value. Dehydration cooks the food losing nutrients in the process. A real meat freeze-dried diet is so powerful, many pet owners see an energy boost after the switch from sugar filled kibble. Pets live at an ideal weight, grow strong bones, have firm muscle tone and enjoy life to its fullest.
ALLERGY RELIEF? Yes – the more your dog eats processed dog food, the more likely allergies may develop. Our all natural, real meat food is grain and gluten free reducing the risk of developing allergies.
100% USA SOURCED, MADE AND PACKAGED. Made in America’s heartland, from free run, farm raised Duck; whole meat, bones and organs. Vital Essentials never procures ingredients from China. We do not use fillers, preservatives, rendered by products, artificial ingredients, no added hormones or antibiotics.
LOOKING FOR NEW PUPPY FOOD? Remember, many dog foods contain sugar and carbohydrates, which prompts overeating along with many other issues. The nutritional value of an all natural, real meat, dog food diet supports overall health, including digestion and a strong immune system, leading to a healthier and happier pup.
DOES YOUR DOG HAVE BAD TEETH? Main cause is….starch! Starch causes tartar buildup, dental disease and mouth infections. The tasty, crunchiness of our mini nibs naturally helps remove tartar and plaque while strengthening teeth. Chewing stimulates healthy gums, which is great for circulation.
Duck, duck gizzard, duck heart, duck liver, herring oil, mixed tocopherols (preservative), vitamin E supplement, zinc amino acid complex, iron amino acid complex, copper amino acid complex, manganese amino acid complex
Guaranteed Analysis
Nutrient | Guaranteed Units |
Crude Protein | 40% min |
Crude Fat | 28% min |
Crude Fiber | 6% max |
Moisture | 8% max |